Tiger Power Cereal, Lightly Sweetened Whole Grain Wheat
Gr-r-reat for growth! Fiber; Calcium; Protein. Kellogg's Tiger Power is cereal designed to meet the nutritional needs of younger children, with a unique combination of calcium, fiber and protein. All three critical nutrients are packed into delicious, lightly-sweetened whole grain cereal pieces that fit perfectly into a spoon or your child's fingers. Calcium - Strong Bones & Teeth: The calcium your child gets may help determine the strength of her bones throughout her entire life. It also ensures that those new teeth that you're sure to be seeing more of each year are strong, too. And every parent loves to se a happy, healthy smile. Fiber - Over Well-Being: Fiber is important to your child' s health in a lot of ways. It improves digestion, it's good for heart health and it helps keep a healthy weight. It's also most commonly fund in foods most kids don't like. One delicious way to make sure your child is getting a good source of fiber everyday is Kellogg's Tiger Power. Protein - Muscle Strength: Protein can be a tough nutrient for parents to navigate. While protein is found in many kid favorites, it can be a challenge to find a breakfast cereal with protein that has other important nutritional benefits as well, like whole grains. But you can give your child the Kellogg's Tiger Power taste they'll love which is low-fat, whole grain and contains protein, so you know you're giving him the best. Exchange: 1-1/2 Carbohydrates. The dietary exchanges are based on the Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, Copyright 2003 by The American Diabetes Association, Inc. and The American Dietetic Association.